산업용 바코드스캐너
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산업용 바코드 스캐너,고정식스캐너 소개
:: Sick Barcode Fixed Scanner:Sick Scanner,산업용 1차원 2차원바코드고정형스캐너 바코드스캐너)제품은 고정형 바코드스캐너 전문, SICK사의 제품은 소형으로 다양한 1D,2D 바코드의 제품과 기능으로 제조,물류, 기타 산업현장에서도 SOLUTION을 구축에 적합니다 ::산업용바코드스캐너 Sick Industrial BarCode Scanner:Sick CLV405 CLV410 CLV412 CLV414 CLV420 CLV421 CLV422 CLV430 CLV431 CLV432 CLV440 CLV442 CLV450 CLV620 CLV630 CLV631 CLV632 CLV640 CLV641 CLV650 CLV651 CLV480 CLV490 CLX490 OPS400 AMS40 AMS60 ICR850 ICR85x CDB410 CDB420 CDB405 CDB410 CDM400
< Sick Fixed Scanners : CLV405 > :: 산업용 바코드 스캐너 :: Sick CLV405
초소형이며 공간에 제한 없이 사용가능, 긴 바코드(50글자) 신속하게 판독 포장작업,일반문서,공공문서 분석 등의 적합한 모델,스탠다드형 고급형 제품
Sick CLV405 Data Sheet
< Sick Fixed Scanners : CLV410 , CLV412 > :: 산업용 바코드 스캐너 :: Sick CLV410 CLV412 CLV414
CLV 410 Standard (CLV410-0010:Single Line, CLV410-1010:Raster) CLV 412 High Density (CLV412-0010:Single Line, CLV412-1010:Raster) 초소형 고정식스캐너, 빠른 스캔속도의 산업용스캐너. CLV410 - standard reading distance up to 370mm CLV412 - reading distance up to 95mm CLV414 ? short reading distance starting at 30mm
CLV410 CLV412 CLV414 Data Sheet
< Sick Fixed Scanners : CLV420, CLV421, CLV422 > :: 산업용 바코드 스캐너 :: Sick CLV-420,421,422
CLV 420 series는 초소형 고정식스캐너, 빠른 스캔속도의 산업용스캐너.
CLV420,CLV421,CLV422 Data Sheet
< Sick Fixed Scanners : CLV430, CLV431, CLV432 > :: 산업용 바코드 스캐너 :: Sick CLV-430,431,432
판독거리 확장, 넓은판독영역,소형모델로 산업용스캐너.
CLV430,CLV431,CLV432 Data Sheet
< Sick Fixed Scanners : CLV440, CLV442 > :: 산업용 바코드 스캐너 :: Sick CLV-440,442
초점제어기능, 판독거리확장 및 판독영역확장, 손상된 바코드 및 오염된 바코드 판독 기능 개선.
CLV440,442 Data Sheet
< Sick Fixed Scanners : CLV450 > :: 산업용 바코드 스캐너 :: Sick CLV-450
초점제어기능,1200 mm판독거리,SMART코드인식기술로 판독능력개선 ,제품 및 창고관리 적용.
CLV450 Data Sheet |
:: Datalogic Barcode Fixed Scanner Datalogic Fixed 산업용 1D,2D고정형 바코드스캐너 데이타로직 고정형 바코드스캐너) 1D 2D 자동 바코드스캐너 제품은 소형에서 대형까지 다양한 제품군과 기능으로 제조,물류,Sorting,자동화 산업현장에 SOLUTION을 구축에 적합니다 ::Datalogic 산업용스캐너,고정형스캐너 : Datalogic BarCode Scanner TC1100 DS1100 DS1500 DS2100 DS2100A DS2100N DS2200 DS2400A DS2400N DS4600A ST DS4600A ACR DS4800 DS6300/6400/6500 DX6500 DS8100 DS8100A DX8200 DX8200A DV9500 Matrix 1000 Matrix 2000 Matrix400 Matrix200 2차원바코드 고정형스캐너
< Datalogic Fixed Scanners : TC1100 > :: 산업용 바코드 고정형 스캐너 ::
Puzzle Solve 기능탑재 CCD타입, 소형 및 초경량의 컴팩트타입 산업용 바코드스캐너 Compact CCD Reader, powerful reading capabilities, enhanced code reconstruction with the Puzzle Solver™ technology, PDF417 bar code decoding, flexible interface “All in One” architecture, Windows-based programming tool, lightweight and compact dimensions
Datalogic TC1100 Data Sheet
< Datalogic Fixed Scanners : DS1100 > :: 산업용 바코드 고정형 스캐너 ::
소형Laser스캐너,스캔속도 최대 500scans,S/W통한 Motor의 on & off, 100g 미만의 초경량 산업용 바코드스캐너 Ultra compact cost effective laser scanner, very compact dimensions, motor on/off software commands, wide reading width at a short reading distance, lightweight 100 g, built-in RISC decoder, scanning speed of 500 scans/sec, dual high speed serial interface, IP65 rugged industrial housing
Datalogic DS1100 Data Sheet
< Datalogic Fixed Scanners : DS1500 > :: 산업용 바코드 고정형 스캐너 ::
Extremely compact dimensions초소형 크기 (40 x 30 x 22mm), 스캔속도1200 scan/s, ACB™ (Advanced Code Builder) reconstruction ,Ease of use - Test mode with bar-graph, Motor ON/OFF SW control, Selectable RS232/485 serial link, IP65 rugged industrial housing
Datalogic DS1500 Data Sheet
< Datalogic Fixed Scanners : DS2100A > :: 산업용 바코드 고정형 스캐너 ::
소형고성능산업용레이져 스캐너,스캔속도 최대 1000scans, ACB(Advanced Code Builder)고성능 스캔기능,S/W통한 Motor on & off기능 사용자 셋팅 전용 WINHOST 프로그램, IP65 Industrial Housing DS2100A has been developed focusing on the realistic requirements of its target markets. The excellent reading capabilities provided by the DS2100A are enhanced by the adoption of ACB™ Advanced Code Builder, the Datalogic proprietary software able to decode partially damaged or normally unreadable codes due to a high tilt angle.
Datalogic DS2100A Data Sheet
:: Microscan Barcode Fixed Scanner Microscan Scanner, 산업용 1D,2D 바코드스캐너 :마이크로스캔 고정형 바코드스캐너)제품은 다양한 특징, 기능으로 1D, 2D 바코드,1차원바코드 2차원바코드 용도로 제조,물류, 자동화, 기타 산업 현장에서도 SOLUTION을 구축에 적합니다 ::Microscan 산업용바코드스캐너 : Microscan Bar Code Scanner Microscan MS-1 MS-2 CCD MS-3 Laser MS-4 MS9 MS820 QS-830 QS-870 MS860 MS880 MS890 MS911 2D코드리더 Quadrus Mini Quadrus MINI 3 MS-Q Quadrus DPM MS-Q Mobile Hawk,Visionscape 스마트 카메라,Visionscape 소프트웨어,Visionscape 보드
<Microscan Fixed Scanners : MS820> :: 바코드고정형스캐너 :: MS-820
Microscan barcode Fixed Compact single line scanner optimized for reading small high-density symbols.
MS-820 Data Sheet
<Microscan Fixed Scanners : QX-830> :: 바코드고정형스캐너 :: QX 830
The QX-830 laser scanner combines revolutionary flexible connectivity with high performance decoding capabilities to reliably read 1D bar codes in almost any automation environment. In addition to the Quick Connect System and X-Mode Technology, the QX-830 features IP65 industrial sealing and optional embedded Ethernet protocols. High performance, simple connectivity, and IP65 enclosure make the QX-830 an ideal laser scanner for any industrial application. 해독바코드 : All standard linear bar codes,PDF417,MicroPDF,GS1 Databar
QX-830 Data Sheet
<Microscan Fixed Scanners : QX-870 > :: 바코드고정형스캐너 :: QX 870 (MS-860 UpGrade)
The QX-870 laser scanner partners the latest technologies in barcode reading and connectivity into an easy to use solution for barcode track, trace and control applications. Simple to set up and deploy, it features a programmable sweeping raster to read multiple codes, in varying locations, even if they are damaged or misaligned. With plug and play setup and the most aggressive decode algorithms available, the QX-870 an ideal laser scanner for any industrial application. 해독바코드 : All standard linear bar codes,PDF417,MicroPDF,GS1 Databar
QX-870 Data Sheet
< Quick Connect Interface Device : QX-1 interface Box > :: QX 1 The QX-1 interface device distributes power,communications, and I/O, and simplifies installation of QX Platform products
QX-1 Interface box Data Sheet
:: Microscan Barcode Fixed Scanner Microscan Scanner, 산업용 1D,2D 바코드스캐너 :마이크로스캔 고정형 바코드스캐너)제품은 다양한 특징, 기능으로 1D, 2D 바코드,1차원바코드 2차원바코드 용도로 제조,물류, 자동화, 기타 산업 현장에서도 SOLUTION을 구축에 적합니다 ::Microscan 산업용바코드스캐너 : Microscan Bar Code Scanner Microscan MS-1 MS-2 CCD MS-3 Laser MS-4 MS9 MS820 QS-830 QS-870 MS860 MS880 MS890 MS911 2D코드리더 Quadrus Mini Quadrus MINI 3 MS-Q Quadrus DPM MS-Q Mobile Hawk,Visionscape 스마트 카메라,Visionscape 소프트웨어,Visionscape 보드
<Microscan Fixed Scanners : MS820> :: 바코드고정형스캐너 :: MS-820
Microscan barcode Fixed Compact single line scanner optimized for reading small high-density symbols.
MS-820 Data Sheet
<Microscan Fixed Scanners : QX-830> :: 바코드고정형스캐너 :: QX 830
The QX-830 laser scanner combines revolutionary flexible connectivity with high performance decoding capabilities to reliably read 1D bar codes in almost any automation environment. In addition to the Quick Connect System and X-Mode Technology, the QX-830 features IP65 industrial sealing and optional embedded Ethernet protocols. High performance, simple connectivity, and IP65 enclosure make the QX-830 an ideal laser scanner for any industrial application. 해독바코드 : All standard linear bar codes,PDF417,MicroPDF,GS1 Databar
QX-830 Data Sheet
<Microscan Fixed Scanners : QX-870 > :: 바코드고정형스캐너 :: QX 870 (MS-860 UpGrade)
The QX-870 laser scanner partners the latest technologies in barcode reading and connectivity into an easy to use solution for barcode track, trace and control applications. Simple to set up and deploy, it features a programmable sweeping raster to read multiple codes, in varying locations, even if they are damaged or misaligned. With plug and play setup and the most aggressive decode algorithms available, the QX-870 an ideal laser scanner for any industrial application. 해독바코드 : All standard linear bar codes,PDF417,MicroPDF,GS1 Databar
QX-870 Data Sheet
< Quick Connect Interface Device : QX-1 interface Box > :: QX 1 The QX-1 interface device distributes power,communications, and I/O, and simplifies installation of QX Platform products
QX-1 Interface box Data Sheet
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스마폰용스캐너,신분증스캐너 전문